Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I have to admit that I don't have an obsession with durians, as I much prefer rambutans and mangosteens, but my mother does. My parents are going back home for two weeks, so I thought I'd take my reminder about durians and make it useful.

Did you know that there is a World Durian Festival held? This year it was held in Thailand.

Did you also know that there are 27 durian species but only 7 are considered to be edible? All edible durian species can be found in Borneo island (dubbed "the centre of durians"), which is an island where Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), Brunei and Indonesia (Kalimantan) is.

There are 3 types of rare durians - that are only found in Borneo. They are:

Durio oxleyanus: small green beautiful fruits with very long sharp spines, smooth creamy flesh with an excellent unique durian flavor that includes undertones of banana and grape, delightful

Durio graveolens: small yellowish-rind fruits with sharp spines, flesh ranges from yellow to bright red (!); pudding-like flesh has a very distinctive, different, alien but enjoyable flavor resembling burnt almonds blended with carrot juice!

small fruits with yellow rind and soft flexible small spines, flesh is bright orange, dry and almost chewy, with a complex agreeable flavor like a combination of orange, celery, and basil, with a hint of garlic

Photos & info taken from Rare Durians of Borneo

Cartoons about durians by a famous Malaysian cartoonist called Lat can be found here

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